Chief Kefas Wungak Ropshik attends graduation ceremony of his children at TCNN.
The atmosphere at TCNN, Bukuru, was filled with joy and excitement as five children from the Kefiano Global Foundation celebrated their graduation. The event was graced by Chief Kefas Wungak Ropshik, the Executive Director of the Foundation, who was in attendance to support and honor the achievements of the young graduates. The graduating students—Daweng, Dalyop, Goodluck, Elvis, and John—were lauded for their hard work and dedication. Their academic journeys have been closely supported since their adoption by Chief Kefas through the Kefiano Global Foundation, which has been instrumental in providing educational opportunities for those lacking at various levels of education on the Plateau.
In a touching gesture, Chief Ropshik acknowledged not only the graduates but also highlighted the exceptional performances of other students within the Foundation’s program. He announced that three students—Noro Christopher (Primary 3), Azeem B. Masok (Primary 3), and Nenzermun Rotshak (Primary 5)—would be placed on full scholarships for their outstanding academic achievements. The scholarships will cover their education until they complete their studies. The event concluded with an atmosphere of gratitude and celebration, as the students, their families, and the Foundation staffs reflected on the impact of education and the bright futures ahead for these young achievers. This story captures the essence of the event and emphasizes the role of the Kefiano Global Foundation in supporting educational development in the community.