In the aftermath of a tragic school building collapse in Busa Buji, Jos, Plateau State, the serial philanthropist, Chief Kefas Wungak Ropshik embarked on a compassionate mission to visit the young victims recuperating in various hospitals. The collapse of Saints Academy last week left hundreds of pupils trapped under the rubble, with twenty other passing away unfortunately, prompting the state government to declare a 3 day mourning in the state to honour their memory.
After a brief stop at Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) earlier in the day where he went to inspect the ongoing state of the art renovation he is currently carrying out in the hospital. Chief Kefas, renowned for his altruistic endeavours, proceeded to visit the three hospitals—Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Ola Hospital, and Plateau State Hospital—where the injured students were receiving medical treatment. His presence brought much-needed comfort and encouragement to the victims and their families during this difficult time.
“I was deeply moved by the plight of these young children and the other patients I encountered during my visits,” Chief Ropshik said. “It is my hope that by alleviating some of their financial burdens, they can focus on their recovery and regain their health. Also, I think an underrated aspect of their recovery has to be mental. These experiences will be traumatic for some of them and its important the parents pay attention to their mental health. Its not easy losing someone you sit close to everyday. It will definitely take a toll on them in the future”
In a heartwarming gesture, Chief Ropshik extended his benevolence beyond the affected pupils. The Governor Caleb Mutfwang led administration had pledged to cover the medical expenses for all students injured in the incident. In his usual philanthrophic disposition, Chief Kefas took it upon himself to settle the hospital bills for over 50 other patients across different wards who were being treated for various other illnesses to the tune of N7 million naira. This act of kindness has had a profound impact on the patients and their families, many of whom were struggling to afford their medical care.
The Jos Management Development Board (JMDB) has moved to seal the facility and would only lift the suspension if the building meets the standard for public use. The school collapse has underscored the urgent need for improved infrastructure and safety measures in educational institutions across the region. As the victims of the Saints Academy collapse begin their long road to recovery, the compassionate deeds of Chief Ropshik and the solidarity of the Plateau State community serve as a poignant reminder of the power of kindness in times of adversity.